1. Would you like to attend a seminar about Unemployment Compensation?
2. If you answered 'yes' to the last question, which topics interest you? Click on the link bellow for a full description of topics.

Click here for topics descriptions.

3. Which of the following would you like to attend a seminar about? Check all that apply.
4. Which of the following Google training sessions would you like to attend? Check all that apply.
5. Which of the following Dale Carnegie training sessions would you like to attend? Check all that apply.
6. What is your type of event preference?
7. When is best for you to attend events?
8. Are there specific training needs that you have, and if so, what are those?
9. Do you find educational articles helpful?
10. Would it be helpful to you to have the opportunity to have a casual group conversation with other businesses like yours?
11. If you answered yes to the last question, what type of business do you have? (Insurance, marketing, healthcare, etc.)
12. What time of day is best for you, to have these casual group conversations?
13. If you have expertise that is beneficial to other businesses that you are willing to share as a seminar or by another means, please provide the topic, your name, and your email addres. You will receive free enews advertising to thank you for sharing your knowlegde with others.
14. Is there anything else you would like the Chamber to know?

Thank you for completing the survey!