Building in the City of Cheyenne and Laramie County

At the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, our priority is the prosperity and well being of our business community. We are always looking for sources of challenge for our members, as well as ways we can assist. One of the areas that we track, and is very important to our county and city, is planning and development. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and help us to learn more about the struggles and/or successes that you and your business have felt when going through the building process in both the City of Cheyenne and Laramie County. We ask that you fill out both sections of the survey in entirety so that we can fully understand the details and extent of this issue and use your feedback to advocate for a better system. With your help, we can take another step towards making Cheyenne the best place to live, work, and do business.

* Have you had any experience building in the city of Cheyenne?
* What type of building project did you complete/attempt to complete in the city of Cheyenne?
Rate your experience with the building process as a whole in the city of Cheyenne.
Very Unsatisfactory
Very Satisfactory
* If you have had experience with a building project in Cheyenne, did you find the process to be difficult?
If you encountered any problems during the building process in the city of Cheyenne, what were they?
How did these challenges impact your and/or your business?
* What suggestions, if any, do you have to make the building process easier or more efficient in the city of Cheyenne?
* Have you had any experience building in Laramie County?
* What type of building project did you complete/attempt to complete in Laramie County?
Rate your experience with the building process as a whole in Laramie County.
Very Unsatisfactory
Very Satisfactory
* If you have had experience with a building project in Laramie County, did you find the process to be difficult?
If you encountered any problems during the building process in Laramie County, what were they?
How did these challenges impact your and/or your business?
* What suggestions, if any, do you have to make the building process easier or more efficient in Laramie County?
If you have suggestions and/or issues that you would like to speak further about, please leave your name and preferred contact information.