Feasibility Study Survey

Please enter your name(s) to avoid further follow-up. Responses are kept confidential.

First Name(s)
Last Name(s)
1. How informed are you of the church’s mortgage?

2.How clear are the proposed expansion projects? 

Classroom Expansion

3. How important are the following projects/initiatives to address with funding that may be raised beyond St. Joseph’s mortgage obligation of $300,000 per year? 

Further reducing the mortgage principal
Classroom Expansion
Any additional projects or initiatives that should be included in a capital campaign?
Additional Project Importance
Any additional projects or initiatives that should be included in a capital campaign?
Additional Project Importance
Additional comments:
4. What do you consider to be two or three of St. Joseph’s top strengths?
5. Would you see any areas of concern that may affect a capital campaign?
6. Who, in your best judgment, would be three to five people who could provide the necessary leadership to make a capital campaign successful?
7. A capital campaign will need many volunteers to ensure it’s a success. If asked, would you accept a leadership or supportive role?
8. Would you make a gift to a capital campaign, above and beyond your ordinary giving, payable over a three-year period?
a. If “Yes” or “Would Consider”, in which of the levels would your total gift be over three years:
b. Without making a commitment, could you share what your gift might be? $____________ per year for three years, totaling $____________
9. What is the most effective way for St. Joseph to communicate with you? (check all that apply)
10. What additional advice or comments do you have for the leadership of St. Joseph regarding the mortgage, proposed building projects and/or capital campaign?