VCSP Feedback Survey for VCSP Clients

* How important are the services that the VCSP and Communication Support Specialists offer?
* Overall, were you satisfied with the service that you Communication Support Specialist(s) provided?
If your answer was no please let us know here:
* Did you participate remotely or in-person at your hearings / meetings
* Did having a Communication Specialist help you to understand what was being said during your hearings and/or meetings?
* Did having a Communication Specialist make a difference in your ability to communicate effectively during your hearings and/or meetings?
* When you have had VCSP services which of the following provided support?
We would appreciate you providing your name if you are comfortable (not required)
We would like this survey to be valuable so please take the time to provide additional feedback so that we can strive to make communication support for people with disabilities even more valuable:

Thank you! Your feedback is highly appreciated.

If you would like to reach out directly to discuss any information, questions, or concerns about the project please email VCSP Project Coordinator Jen Le Scouezec at [email protected]