Climate Action Grant Application

Are you interested in adding Environmental or Climate related learning into your classroom?

EcoSchools Canada offers over 50 prepared and ready to complete projects and actions in line with curriculum that can help you start this essential learning. Through its online platform, your school can create a plan from its resource library and work together towards becoming a certified Eco-School. EcoSchools in partnership with SaskOutdoors is offering multiple grants of up to $500 to support Environmental Learning into your classroom, school, or club.

To apply for this grant:

1)  Sign up on the EcoSchools Canada platform and explore the library of resources.

2)  Select one or multiple actions that you would like to pursue with your class, school or club.

3)  Fill out the form available here and tell us how this grant can support you.

We will be accepting applications on an ongoing basis.

For information about eligibility, please see EcoSchools Canada Certification

Recognition of Funders:

If successful, we ask that you formally thank SaskOutdoors, SaskLotteries and EcoSchools Canada for the Grant in a school or community newspaper as well as in any other promotion related to your project (we will email you our logos). A copy of these publications needs to accompany your final report. (Reports are mandatory to ensure that your school or organization is eligible for future grants).

Follow-up Report:

Upon completion of your project we ask that grant recipients complete our followup report, including 1-3 pictures that we can use in our publications. Reports can also take the form of blogs, videos and podcasts. 

The report must include the number of youth and the number of adults involved and additional demographic information. In addition, we require an updated budget including copies of receipts related to your program/project totalling the amount of money received. 

This report is due one month after the completion of your project.

Applicant Information

Completion of each question is mandatory for your application to be considered.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Program/Project Information

Completion of each question is mandatory for your application to be considered.

Provide a brief description of your program/project.
Grade(s) of participating students
Number of students involved in project
Which EcoSchools action(s) are you applying for support with?
Are you willing to document/update Saskoutdoors & EcoSchools on your progress?
Have you registered a plan with EcoSchools?
Do you need help working with the EcoSchools platform?

Budget Information

Completion of each question is mandatory for your application to be considered.

Total Amount Requested from SaskOutdoors (max $500)
Provide a project budget showing how the grant funding will be used:
If you receive partial funding for this project will you still be able to proceed?
If your application is successful, how would you like to receive payment?
Please indicate the email address to send etransfer to or mailing address, including who to make the cheque out to.

Applicant Certification

I certify that the information in this application is true, correct and was written by the applicant. I understand that falsification of any information will result in disqualification of this application. I agree that this application becomes the property SaskOutdoors. I understand that this application will be assessed based on the information provided and submission of it does not guarantee that I will receive funding. I consent that if my organization secures funding, the release of the organization's name and provided photos for media and reporting purposes is authorized for the announcement and promotion of this grant program.

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