* I / We ____________________________________________ (Artist/Group Name) give WVIU & FOFMI permission to air, share, and perform my/our music including CD works(s) on WVIURadio.net and its affiliates and affiliate stations, royalty free including ephemeral copy. 1. Type the name of the Artist/Group here.
* 2.) Number of people in group:
* 3. Website/ Web Artist Page. List the website and web (artist) pages that your music is posted on (ie. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reverb Nation, etc). Be sure to include the number of fans/followers you have on each site.:
* 4.) Email address:
* 5.) Phone Number (Cell):
6.) Home Phone Number:
* 7.) Number of songs forwarding for airplay and event promotion purposes:
* 8. Please provide the following information for EACH of the songs you are submitting for airplay. Please include: Artist Name- Album Title- Track Title- Song Track-
* 9. I am (we are) the authorized owner(s) or representative of the song copyright. I am (we are) the authorized owner(s) of the copyright of the song(s) submitted as digital music file(s) and/or on CD submitted to WVIU and its affiliates. Please TYPE "Yes or No"
* 10. I am (we are) the authorized owner(s) or representative of the sound copyright. I am (we are) the authorized owner(s) of the copyright of the sound(s) submitted as digital music file(s) and/or on CD submitted to WVIU, FOFMI, & affiliates.
* 11. Would you like the option of us selling your material and your sharing in the profit? (We include your songs on our compilation distribution, as well as offer them on our affiliate websites and you receive 10-40% profit on all sold materials.)
* 12. I give permission to FOFMI and its affiliates permission to include my music on compilation distributions for sale with a return profit to me based on FOFMI current offering.
* 13. I give permission to FOFMI and its affiliates to sell my music through their online outlets at a return to me of a 25% profit. (This refers to music sold as mp3s only.)
* 14. Would you like one of our representatives to contact you concerning management/marketing?
* 15. Do you need assistance with copyrighting your material?
* 16. Would you like to participate in WVIU gatherings?
* 17. I agree that my music (lyrics and music) as heard on the above websites is mine to submit for airplay royalty free on WVIURadio.net, fofmi.org, and its affiliates. I also give permission to promote my music by playing it on WVIU worldwide radio stations and to use my music, brand, and materials for promotions.
* 18. Print your FULL LEGAL NAME below. This verifies that you assume all legal responsibility for the info. given above & verifies that it is true & complete. By typing my name below, I realize that this is my electronic signature, giving WVIU & their affiliates permission to broadcast, quote from, incorporate into radio & promotions, the music submitted for airplay above. I also verify that all of the above statements are true & validates my consent to the above permission for airplay form.
* 19. Type your mailing address in the space provided.

After filling out the "Submit For Airplay Form",

click "Submit" and then

please take a moment to email us an MP3 version of the song(s) that you are submitting to [email protected]