
Mu Alpha Theta Math Minutes Video Contest Entry Form

* 1. Chapter ID
* 2. School Name
* 3. Schools are allowed no more than 3 submissions. Only the top submission per school will be eligible for prize awards. Each submission needs a separate completed entry form. Submission Number (1, 2, or 3 from your chapter):
* 4. YouTube Link
* 5. Sponsor Name
* 6. Sponsor Email
* 7. Sponsor Phone Number
* #8) Please include video participants' name. All students appearing in the video must be registered Mu Alpha Theta member with member ID numbers. Format participants as screen personalities: name (member ID number), Name (member ID number)... and note other video staff in the same manner. Associate members should be included, too.
* 9. Video Title
* 10. To help in the scoring process, submissions MUST include a video short name. This name must be entered on the submission form AND clearly included on the home page of the actual video. For Example: If your video's name is "Boys Before Flowers" an appropriate short name would be BOYSFLOW. Video Short names MUST be exactly 8 characters. Video Short Name:
* 11. Video Topic
* 12. Video Length Format: (Min:Sec)
* 13. Math Level (Mu, Alpha, Theta)
* 14. What is the start time of your clip that shows the best of...This is a chance for your video to be memorialized even if it doesn’t win!
* 15. What is the start time of your clip that shows the worst of...This is a chance for your video to be memorialized even if it doesn’t win!
* 16. Sponsor, we need your help verifying that your school's video is in good taste and follows this contest's rules. These videos represent the thousands of students who participate in Mu Alpha Theta activities. These videos will be shown to students of all age levels and all backgrounds. Please make sure there is no questionable or inappropriate content.
* By typing your name here, you verify you have carefully watched your chapter's video submission and feel that all content is appropriate for all viewers. You understand that during the judging process, questionable videos will be disqualified. Name: