2024 Business Excellence Award

Nominations are now being accepted until January 5, 2024.

This distinguished award is presented to a Chamber business that has demonstrated remarkable growth or enhanced profitability through innovation in business practices, a superior customer service philosophy, or recent significant improvement to their commercial property.

This award will be presented at the Indianola Chamber of Commerce Annual Celebration at Hubbell Hall at Simpson College on January 19, 2024.

Criteria for the Award are any of the following:

  • Innovative Business Practices: Provide evidence of innovative business practices that have contributed to the business's growth or enhanced profitability.

  • Superior Customer Service Philosophy: Showcase a commitment to a superior customer service philosophy, illustrating how this approach has positively impacted the business.

  • Significant Improvement to Commercial Property: Demonstrate recent substantial improvements to the commercial property. If physical improvements were made, please submit a photo of the project to [email protected].

Nomination Guidelines:

  • Chamber businesses are encouraged to self-nominate for this award.
  • Include specific examples, achievements, or data that highlight business's accomplishments in 2023.

Submission Details:

Please complete the nomination requirements below must be submitted below no later than January 5th at 5 p.m. Late and incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 515-961-6269.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind Regards,

Amanda Zwanziger

President & CEO

Indianola Chamber of Commerce

Nomination Submission

Please provide the following information:

* Your Name
* Your Email
* Nominee Company
* Nominee Contact Name
* Nominee Phone
* Nominee Email
Please provide your reason why this company is deserving of the award.
Additional Response Space if Needed
If my nominee wins, I will help coordinate their attendance at the Annual Dinner.
If my nominee wins, I would like to buy them winner and their guest dinner.
The completed nomination form may be requested by the winner to enable them to send a thank you letter. I give permission to send my name and nomination form to my nominee.