Co-operative Law Summer School 2023 - Registration Form

Co-operative Law Summer School will take place in Pula, Croatia beginning Sunday evening, August 20, 2023 and wrapping up at the end of the day on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.The program fee includes tuition, coffee breaks and lunch during classrooms days (not Saturday and Sunday). The fee does not include accommodations, travel costs (to/from Pula), or travel health insurance. Participants are responsible for obtaining any travel/entry visas (as required).

The following is collected so that we have the information we need for all aspects of this course. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside the program.

* First and Last Name (and pronouns if you wish):
* Name of your organization (Credit Union, Co-operative or other)
* Relevant Job or Role Title(s):
* How many years have you been engaged in the co-operative and/or credit union sector?
* Email Address for Program Correspondence:
* Mailing Address: Street, Town, ZIP/Postal Code:
* Country
Cell Phone #, including international code (for use during the program):
Please provide a Biography / Profile (including professional experiences related to co-operative law)
* Do you have any allergies (food or otherwise) or health-related intolerances (food)?
* If you answered YES or OTHER to the previous question, specify your allergies here (e.g. shellfish, dairy, gluten, bee sting) and indicate severity clearly (e.g. intolerant, severe reaction, anaphylactic, etc.). If you answered NO above, simply type in not applicable below.
* Do you have any dietary restrictions that are not allergies or health related intolerances? If YES, be specific (e.g. no pork; vegan; vegetarian but eats fish; etc.). If you have no restrictions, state NO as your response.
* Describe any accessibility challenges (e.g. climbing stairs or walking or other). Some of the program activities may be in buildings that aren't accessible by wheelchair, may require climbing flights of stairs or standing, may provide an option for a longer walk (other transportation options can be provided if/as required).
* Do you have any health concerns that our staff should be aware of? If yes, please provide basic information and indicate whether any accommodations are required during the program (e.g. fridge required for medication).
Do you have any questions or concerns? If so, specify those here and someone will get back to you by email.

Thank you for your registration! An invoice will follow via email. Please contact Jude Robertson, ICCM Operations Administrator ([email protected]) with any questions.