Help us plan Chamber priorities for 2024 & BEYOND!

This short survey provides a platform for you to share your insights on what you're looking for from your investment in the chamber, programming that's relevant to you, input into our advocacy efforts, and suggestions for improvements. Your responses will not only contribute to our strategic planning, but also empower us to tailor our initiatives to meet your evolving business requirements.

Thank you for your time, we look forward to your valuable input! Together, we can pave the way for a prosperous and collaborative future for all businesses!

* Denotes a required question...don't forget to hit Submit at the end!

* VALUE - What value does the Chamber bring to your business?
Very little value
Exceeds expected value
* OFFERINGS - What is your knowledge of what the Chamber offers to your business?
Very little knowledge
Full knowledge
* SUPPORTS - Which Chamber supports/programming have you accessed? (Select all that apply.)
* VALUE - Which Chamber business support is the most important to your business? (Select one.)
* ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING - What could the Chamber offer that would benefit your business? (Select all that apply.)
* CHALLENGES - What is your business struggling with right now? (Select all that apply.)
* EVENT TIMING - What time of day typically works best for you to attend events? (Select all that apply.)
* PARTICIPATION - For the Chamber events that you did not attend this year, why did you not attend? (Select all that apply.)
* MEMBERSHIP VALUE - Overall, do you feel that you receive enough value for your Chamber membership fee?
* SATISFACTION - How happy are you with your investment in the Chamber?
Not at all happy
Very happy
* TELL US - What is the most important way the Chamber could improve?

PRIZE DRAW - If you would like to be entered into our quarterly prize draw, please enter your contact details below.

First and Last Name
Business Name
Email Address
Phone Number


The Chamber network is dedicated to cultivating a favourable business environment that promotes growth and prosperity in our community. An important part of our mission is to work closely with policymakers and stakeholders to champion the interests of local businesses, while also making concerted efforts to have a positive impact on policies and regulations that directly influence your business operations. Your feedback in this section will help us understand what you need most in this area and guide our efforts to support you better.

* Please help us build our Advocacy program for 2024 by answering these 5 additional questions. **Respondents who complete this section get a second prize draw entry.
1. How have recent government rules/laws impacted your business operations?
Can you share what rules or laws you would like to see updated or changed?
2. Are there specific issues or challenges in your industry that need attention from our government representatives?
Please tell us more about the issues or challenges facing your industry:
3. What are the main government-related issues you would like to see the Chamber focus on over the next year?
4. Have you faced any challenges in running or growing your business locally due to government rules or the local business environment?
Please tell us more about the challenges you've encountered locally:
5. Is there anything the government could do to make things better for your business and the community, such as improving certain services or specific infrastructure?
Please tell us more about the enhancements needed:

Thank you for helping us create programming and activities that are relevant to you and your business!