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This is our flagship survey, the results of which create the definitive guide to procure to pay in the UK (8 minutes, 27 industry related questions), to uncover the trends, challenges and vision for the future. By taking part you are helping to shape opinion and add value to your industry. Used to benchmark and plan for the future of finance, AP, procurement and P2P departments, your input matters and is greatly appreciated. Your responses will remain anonymous. All respondents completing the survey will receive a copy of the report.

All those completing the survey will be entered into a prize draw to receive £150 Amazon vouchers. Good luck and thank you!

NB: please continue to move forward in the survey, there is no facility to go back and your responses will be lost.

* Q1: How many invoices do you process on a monthly basis?
* Q2: What percentage of your processing is manual?
* Q3: What size is your AP department (how many FTEs responsible for AP related tasks)?
Q 4: What ERP or accounting system are you using?
* Q5: How are you processing invoices? (select all that apply)
* Q6: What are the main barriers to further automation? (tick all that apply)
Q8: What do you consider to be the main reasons for P2P automation? Rate each on a scale of one to eight. (1 = most impt) ****You cannot use the same number twice****
* Q9: Which of the following does your Finance Department use?
* Q10: Which metrics do you currently measure?
* Q11: How often are they measured?
* Q12: What are your average payment terms? Please give actuals, not targets
* Q13: For invoices with early payment discounts, what % do you capture?
* Q14: Roughly, What is your cost per invoice? Definition: total department costs, including overheads and staffing, divided by the number of invoices processed annually.
* Q16: How regularly do you update your Master Supplier File?
* Q17: Procure to Pay can be a complex process. Do the different stakeholders of the P2P process in your organisation work closely together?
Q18: Do the different areas of the P2P Process (including Procurement, Finance, AP) have:
Q19: Do you feel collaboration has been improved by working more closely together? Please give examples of your general experience of collaborating. All perspectives welcome
* Q20: Please select the issues you spend most time on
* Q21: What are the main issues currently facing P2P? (select all that apply)
* Q22: What are your main operational difficulties?
* Q23: Which of the following trends do you feel will impact your P2P operations in the near future?
* Q24: Has your organisation been affected by fraud in the last 3 years?
Q25: If applicable, how does your organisation handle or plan to address e-invoicing compliance in various countries?
* Q26: Who is responsible for tax compliance in your organisation?
* Q:27: What are the reasons for using e-invoicing in your company?
Do you have any other comments you'd like to add about end to end procure to pay? Thoughts on any of the above questions,trends, compliance, risk and culture for eg
What is your company email address? (to send a copy of the finished report to. Your responses remain anonymous)
* What is your job title? (please tick the answer most similar to yours if it is not shown)
How many subsidiary entities does your organisation currently operate?