Module One Scholarship Application 2024

Maureen Johnson 

Professional Development Scholarship

Maureen Johnson owned and directed Martin School of Dance and Baton Twirling for 56 years. Throughout her extensive career, Maureen never stopped learning. Her drive for ongoing professional development is evident in the many organizations from which she achieved accreditation. These include RAD, ADAPT, CDTA, and WBTF, to name a few.

Maureen encourages her students to always strive to further their education. As a result, she has created dance instructors who, like herself, value life long learning.

This scholarship will be awarded annually to one dance teacher who also exemplifies a passion for professional development. The recipient of this scholarship will receive full tuition to the Acrobatic Arts Module One Teacher's Certification Course (US$525 value).


Please answer the following questions and attach at least one professional reference.

* First Name:
* Last Name
* Email Address
* Country
* 1.) What are your current certification(s)/accreditation(s)?
* 2.) Do you currently teach dancing? If so, what disciplines?
* 3.) What do you hope to learn from this program?
* 4.) How has professional development played a role in your teaching career?
* 5.) What do you love about teaching dance, and why?
* 6.) Professional Reference

Deadline for the 2024 Professional Development Scholarship - December, 31st, 2024. 

The successful candidate will be notified by January 20th, 2025.

The 2024 scholarship must be used by December 31, 2025.