Electronic FMNP Training with Healthy Together

The Farmers Market Nutrition Program is transitioning to electronic! Learn about the new system and how to accept payments. During the training, participants will:

  • Create an account using the Healthy Together app
  • Download the Healthy Together app onto their device
  • Process a transaction
  • Learn how to edit their profile and add users
  • and more!

Please fill out the information below and select the virtual training date you are available for the electronic FMNP. Once you submit the form, MDA will send you the link for the virtual training via Zoom. Please note, there will not be paper checks this year and beyond.

* Farm or Farmers Market Name
* Name of Person Attending Training
* Email of Person Attending Training
* Which Virtual training date are you available for? (select one)

Please click the Submit Survey button below once you have selected a training date. If none of the dates listed above work for you, please reach out to Sara, [email protected]