Arba's 2024 Digital Marketing Survey

I am working on my new year training calendar. Please take a moment to complete my survey. Your insights are incredibly valuable to help me tailor my training to better suit your unique needs and preferences. I'm eager to discover what's valuable to you and understand any challenges you're facing. With your feedback, I can present solutions that will help you achieve your digital marketing goals. Your success is my passion so help me to help you!

* What marketing are you currently using? (check all that apply)
* How would you rate your current ability to find new prospects?
Lower Range
Upper Range
* Are you using a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) to follow-up?
* How would you rate your activity on social media?
Lower Range
Upper Range
* How comfortable are you with creating videos?
Lower Range
Upper Range
* How often do you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) with your marketing?
Lower Range
Upper Range
* How eager are you to improve your marketing results?
Lower Range
Upper Range
* What is your preferred method of marketing?
* What else is most valuable to help you with any marketing challenges you're facing?

You can view my weekly training topics at If you have any immediate training needs, please email me at [email protected]