Your donation allows for a brave, virtual space with highly impactful, affordable, accessible health and wellness classes for everyBODY.

As we transition to a virtual space, our mission remains the same. We are a diverse community of wellness warriors who believe health and wellness resources, should be affordable and accessible to everyBODY. When we are well supported, we are able to respond skillfully to life with ease and vitality.

Thank you for supporting 4 Corners Yoga + Wellness's transition to a virtual healing space.

Your feedback is important as we move forward on this journey together.

I want to continue to engage and participate in the 4CYW community, virtually.
I want to continue to receive the 4CYW newsletter with class alerts and pop-up community events.
I want to support 4CYW brand and vision virtually during this transition. Ways to participate. (Check all that apply).
Do you currently take 4CYW virtual classes?
Are you interested in taking 4CYW virtual classes?
Best days to take virtual classes(check all that apply):
Do you attend the bi-weekly Sunday afternoon Candid Conversations with Lisa?
I'd like to receive Candid Conversation regular updates.
While we transition, settle, ground, and look for space in the community, how can the virtual space keep the community spirit alive?

Thank you for taking the time to answer questions and share feedback.