
Langdon Beach Access Path

Option Overview and Survey


In 2020, Langdon Beach was closed due to significant beach erosion. Since that time, the Wilmette Park District has been working with engineers from SmithGroup to analyze Langdon's shoreline and develop solutions to protect the beach and bluff for future generations. In addition, an access path to the beach must be built.


The water levels in Lake Michigan have receded and the Park District hopes to open access to the beach via a temporary path as soon as possible.


Over the past 12+ months, SmithGroup has worked closely with the Park District and members of our community to design, analyze, and refine long-term access path options. Two final design options remain. The Wilmette Board of Park Commissioners hope to approve a design at their regular meeting on Monday, July 10. We are asking for your input. Tell us which you prefer!

See the images below, or to view larger, view the pages from SmithGroup's June 26 presentation to the Park Board here. After reviewing the two options, please answer the questions that follow.

Design A (Presented in June 2022): Longer path, access on north end of beach

Design B (presented in June 2023): Shorter path, access on south end of beach

Path Characteristics

Platform and Stairs

Vegetation Comparison

Vegetation & Planting

Vegetation & Planting

Survey: Design Options

Which access path design do you prefer?
In addition to the path, would you like stairs down to the beach?