When thinking about contact lenses (whether your current brand or transitioning to a new brand), please rate the level of importance for each question.

* 1. BRAND RECOGNITION: A contact lens that is well-known and highly advertised
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 2. DOCTOR RECOMMENDATION: Your eye care practitioner recommended the contact lens
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 3. PERSONAL REFERRAL: A friend/colleague has great success with the lens
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 4. CORPORATE STANDARDS: The lens manufacturer aligns with your values/beliefs
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 5. PRICE: To what extent does the cost influence your purchase decision?
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 6. ONLINE REVIEWS: How important are positive online reviews?
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 7. SOCIAL MEDIA: Brand has a strong social media presence and following
Not Important
Extremely Important
* 8. DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Considering the growing emphasis on supporting diversity and inclusion, how important is it to you that the contact lens company is minority-owned?
Not Important
Extremely Important
* What contact lens brand do you currently wear?
* What is the overall rating of your current contact lens?
I don't like it
I love it
Please provide your email if you want to be entered into the drawing for a free 3-month supply of Extreme H2O contact lenses (we will notify you via email).