Region VII Head Start Association (R7HSA)

is seeking presenters for the 2024 Annual Conference

scheduled for June 4-6 (with Monday 06/03 reserved for pre-conference sessions/activities).

The in-person event will be held at the Sheraton Hotel/Convention Center located in Overland Park, Kansas. 

The R7HSA 2024 conference framework will focus on the Office of Head Start's five priority areas with an emphasis on inclusive and equitable practices program-wide. It is anticipated that approximately 350 to 400 attendees, including Head Start & Early Head Start program executive directors, program directors, senior level managers, center site managers, parent leadership, front-line staff, specialists, and community partners will be in attendance.

Workshop content and instruction should be focused on the professional development needs of Head Start/Early Head Start staff to ensure they are provided the tools and resources needed to be successful in their positions. Adult learning principles should be applied and used throughout presentations providing the learner an opportunity to broaden their capacity and depth of knowledge.


The deadline for submission is March 15, 2024. The R7HSA Professional Development (PD) Committee serves as the review panel for all submissions. Notification of acceptance/regret will be made via email by March 29, 2024. Please complete the following information and submit a session proposal for consideration. Tip: Read through the submission fields/questions before starting the submission process.


Important: Please review the R7HSA General Event Presentation Guidelines below. This document contains important information regarding submissions for all R7HSA professional development events.

CLICK HERE to view the R7HSA Presenter Guidelines

Thank You for your interest and consideration in presenting at this important annual event designed to bring the Head Start community together!

We sincerely hope you will plan to join us in

Region VII where the

"Heartland and Heart Work" intersect!

Note: To ensure the safety of all in attendance including presenters, R7HSA follows all CDC, state and county guidelines in place at the time of R7HSA face to face events.

*** Begin completing the Call for Sessions Presentation Survey! ***

Session/Presentation Title
* Please enter a 50 word or less description of the session including session objectives (Text may be used in conference publications including online) *R7HSA reserves the right to edit verbiage based on grammatical and spelling errors
* Session Focus and Outcomes (please list-2-3 Outcomes)
* Please indicate the type/format of the capacity building session you are submitting from the list below
* Please indicate from the staff content area descriptors below individuals that would benefit from your session
* If applicable, indicate if your session includes one of the focus areas listed below
* Lead Presenter Name & Title
* Agency/Organization
* Mailing Address
* Phone Number (Cell preferred for easy access using text during events)
* Email
* Please enter an abbreviated Bio that includes credentials in the text box provided below. Note, by entering this information, you are giving R7HSA permission to use your Bio in marketing materials.
* Does this session include co-presenters?
If you answered yes to the question above, please enter the name(s) and title(s) of co-presenters in the text box provided below)
Please indicate if your presentation focuses on one of the five OHS priorities listed below
* From the options below, indicate when you are available to present
* Have you presented this session at a R7HSA past event?
Please indicate if you have any special requests regarding this submission, ADA accommodations, etc.
* Based on information outlined in the R7HSA General Event Presentation guidelines, is there any cost associated with this presentation?
If you answered yes to the question above, please indicate expenses associated with your submission if your session is chosen for this event:

To read more about the Office of Head Start Priorities, CLICK HERE

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2024 Region VII Head Start Annual Conference.

Questions regarding your submission, please contact Donna Veatch, Director of Executive Services.

Email: [email protected] • Business Cell: 816.718.2260

Important: If you need to print your submission,

do so BEFORE you hit Submit Survey