NACM's 2024 EXPO and Tradeshow

A Day at the Oscars

Presales for May 31, 2024 11am-2pm

The Orleans Hotel & Casino,

4500 W. Tropicana Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89103

* Company Name
Name of Company Representative
* Company Representative Email
* I am interested in the selected Sponsorships

Each booth shall display a different movie if they wish to participate in the theme of the event. Selections will be based on first come first served as no booths will be the same. Please list your favorite options. If you are unsure at this time, please advise you would like time to select the theme of your booth and email NACM when you have decided.

* Our booth would like to be ............................ Options; 1,2,and3 (Examples; Spiderman, Jurassic Park, Barbie)