2023 Rostered Leader and SAM

Annual Report to the Bishop

Ministry Milestones

* Name
* Email
* Cell/Phone number


How many years have you been ordained or served as a SAM?
Any significant change in your ministry this year?
Please note any significant family milestones this year here.
Please note any significant losses in your life this year here.
Do you wish to discuss a change of call? (rostered ministers only)


How would you rate your Spiritual Health?
How would you rate your Physical Health?
How would you rate your Emotional Health?
How would you rate your Financial Health?


How would you describe the health of your congregation?
What two words might describe how your congregation/ministry is feeling about the future?
What two words might describe how YOU are feeling about the ministry’s future?
Please respond for each of your congregations. What is the average in-person weekly worship attendance?
Please respond for each of your congregations. What is the average online weekly worship attendance? Please estimate.
Would you like more information about Fresh Expressions of the Church and other ideas for growing your congregation’s capacity for ministry?
Does your congregation currently have the financial energy to continue ministry for the next five years? (care for the facility, pay the staff, and support ministry beyond the building)
Does your congregation currently have the missional energy for the next five years? (a clear sense of its purpose in God’s mission that will propel it forward)
Will your congregation have enough people power to continue ministry for the next five years? (volunteers with energy for ministry in the congregation and beyond it)
Does your congregation currently have the spiritual depth and human will to continue serve in God’s mission (beyond keeping the building open) for the next five years?
Would you like to have a conversation with the bishop about the energy level and future of your congregation?
Would you like to have a conversation with the bishop about the energy level and future of your congregation?
Are you getting adequate support from the synod ministers?
How would you like the synod ministers to “show up” for you and your congregation? How can we pray for you?
What would you like Bishop Laurie to know about your current situation?


How's your congregation's "Green Team" doing?
What is one activity that your Green Team has worked on in the last 12 months?
Does your congregation have a land acknowledgement?
How have you and your congregation connected with its non-white neighbors outside of your church building?
Would you find it helpful to have a conversation with Deacon Lidixe Montoya about ways to connect with your neighbors of color?
Have you connected with Deacon Lidixe Montoya and Neighbor to Neighbor in the last year? In what ways?
How do you feel about the synod starting the process to become an RIC-Reconciling in Christ-Synod and writing a synod welcome statement?
Have you had a conversation with your church council about creating a wider welcome for members of the LGBTQIA community?
32. What training or discussion would your congregation be interested in regarding living in right relationships with itself, its community and with God?
At the synod assembly in 2021 a resolution was passed so that racial justice/anti-racism training is provided for all ministers every year.* Have you participated in a racial justice training such as the Fall Ministry’s Active Empathy Class or the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) in the last 24 months?
When would be the easiest, best time for you to participate in a three hour anti-racism training in 2024? Check all that would work.
35. How many members of your congregation are attending Lay school this year?

Brave Next Most Faithful Step

Being brave is having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty. What brave next most faithful step is God calling your congregation to do?
What was the bravest thing your congregation did recently?
What is the bravest thing you’ve done personally in ministry?
What is holding your congregation back from bravely following Jesus?
On a scale of 1-10, how connected is your congregation to our companion synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi?
Not Connected at all
Extremely well connected
How will your congregation participate in the Bishop's Initiative to raise $40,000 for the Malawi: Water is Life fund to build two new wells in Malawi with solar powered pumps?
There will be a bishop’s election in June. What characteristics or qualities do you believe are needed for the bishop of this synod?


What books or podcasts have you read or listened to in the last year about ministry that you would recommend to a colleague? What classes, workshops, or continuing education events have you attended this past year?
How much out of pocket money did you spend on continuing education last year?
Rostered Leaders: What is your total defined compensation? Base+Housing+Social Security). SAMS, what is your salary? Do you receive other benefits? Please list.
Are you:
Do you live in a parsonage?
Is your salary:
I will add these dates to my calendar and plan to attend. Check all that apply. If other, please explain
I will send an email to the Bishop if I am unable to attend Winter Theo, Synod Assembly or Fall Ministry Retreat

[1] *S14.15. Each minister of Word and Sacrament/Service on the roster of this synod shall submit a report of his or her ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.

S*14.25. All ministers of Word and Sacrament/Service under a call shall attend meetings of the Synod Assembly, and the pastors of congregations shall also attend the meetings of the conference, cluster, coalition, or other area division to which the congregation belongs.

*There is no constitutional mandate for SAMs to complete an annual report to the bishop, but I encourage you all to do so. Many of you are functioning as the only minister in your context and we need/want to hear from you too so we can better support you in your work.

* Resolved that the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin offer at least one Racial Justice/Anti-Racism Training workshop every year at the same cost to participants as Boundary Workshops,

and be it further Resolved that all Rostered leaders and Synodically Authorized Ministers (SAMs) in the Synod be encouraged to participate in Racial Justice/Anti-Racism Training in 2021 or 2022,

and be it further Resolved that each congregation, including its church staff and lay leaders, set aside a time each year to reflect on how racism, implicit bias, and privilege impact their own life together.

Submitted by the NW Synod Racial Justice Group, the NW Synod Justice Team, and the NW Synod Council. Resolution approved Saturday, April 17, 2021

NOTE: Annual Report to the Bishop

2019: There were 105 forms completed out of 137 active rostered leaders. That is 76%. IN

2020 there were 117 completed out of 150 rostered leaders and SAMS, that’s 78%. In

2022 there were 136 completed annual report forms out of approximately 158 rostered leaders and SAM that’s about 85%. Let’s shoot for over 90% in 2023.

Thank you so much for completing the Annual Report to the Bishop 2023. I know your time is precious, and I truly appreciate your effort to complete this report. Thank you for your faithful work in ministry and for your partnership in the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s blessings to you and your congregations in 2024

Bishop Laurie