YES! I will join the fight for the health, education, and

financial stability of every person in our community!

I will make the following payroll deduction pledge.

For every $20 you donate, you will receive a chance in a raffle for one of 12 $50 gifts cards

to Local Restaurants (courtesy of ColePak)

OR The Woodruff Farm

ALL donors giving by end of day August 29 will be entered into a raffle for 2 VIP passes to the

County Legends Concert Series (Saturday Sept. 2)

* How much do you wish to donate per pay in 2023-24? (Deductions start in October and run for 20 pays.)

If you wish to make your gift via Credit Card, click here.

If you wish to make a gift with cash or check, please give directly to Aaron Holler.

* In which county would you like to have your gift make an impact? (You can divide it.)
OPTIONAL: Do you wish to designate your gift to one or more specific United Way programs? If so, type the name(s) of the program below. For a list of United Way-supported programs, click the county of your choice below.

Champaign County

Logan County

* First Name
* Last Name
* E-mail
* Address
* City
* Zip Code
Thank You Image.jpg