
Litter In Rhode Island

is this a problem for our state?

What's Up with Litter in RI ?

How does RI look to you? Tell me what you think. Your input will help KBVB understand how to best solve this issue. Take our short survey.

But please, don't stop there. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or see areas that are littered -- send that info along. With all of us sharing how to end litter -- we have the best chance to accomplish this.


How do you feel Rhode Island is doing with litter in our communities? (choose one)
How do you feel when you see litter on the roads in RI?
Has anyone (your parents, teachers, media or others) ever shared the message not to litter?
If yes, who shared that message?
For parents and teachers, do you ever share not to litter with your children or students?
Would you say something if you were with someone who littered in front of you?
Do you think we can end litter in Rhode Island?
Who do you feel is responsible to clean up litter?
KBVB wants to get to a Litter-Free RI, but we need everyone to help out. Will you?

Thank You for taking this survey. For more information and ways you can help end litter in Rhode Island, visit Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful.