Faith Measurement Baseline Assessment

* Have you been baptized?
* How often do you pray?
* How often do you pray for your "enemies?"
* How often do you read the Bible?
* Do you have an intentional process for reading, studying, and applying the Bible?
* How often do you attend worship?
* How often do you serve someone unconditionally?
* Do you believe you give 10% of your monthly income to the church?
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit LOVE I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit JOY I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)Question Text
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit PEACE I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience) Text
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit PATIENCE I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit GOODNESS I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit FAITHFULNESS I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit GENTLENESS I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to displaying the fruit of the Spirit SELF-CONTROL I: (Choose a statement that most reflects your experience)
* When it comes to hearing God's voice in the midst of the noise of the world I am confident that I can hear God's voice.
* I have an intentional process for renewing my mind.
How would you describe the measure of your faith?
How would you describe your experience of coming to trust Jesus with your heart and mind?
* Would you like help in developing an intentional system for increasing your faith?
* What is your Name?
* What is your email?
What is your phone number?