SaskOutdoors Professional Development Funding Application

The maximum funding amount per application is $500

Many educators have a keen interest in outdoor learning but feel unprepared for teaching outdoors. Ongoing professional development is imperative to environmental and outdoor educators. SaskOutdoors promotes excellence in outdoor education by supporting professional skills development.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

To Apply:

  • Tell us about the professional development opportunity including a description, dates, and location.
  • Explain how this professional development opportunity will assist you and your community.
  • The amount of money requested.


  • Must be a member of SaskOutdoors.  
  • Maximum funding $500 per person per year. You will be notified of the results of your application within one month of submission.
  • Organizations can apply for up to two people for up to $500 each per year.

A follow-up report is due one month after your professional development opportunity is completed.

Applicant Information

Completion of each question is required for you application to be considered.

First Name
Last Name
Applicant must be a current SaskOutdoors member. What name/organization is your current membership under?
Physical Address
Phone Number
Email Address

Professional Development Opportunity Information

Completion of each question is required for you application to be considered.

Describe the PD opportunity. Be sure to include location, dates, etc.
How will this opportunity benefit you as an educator or community leader? How will it benefit your students and/or community?
Have you received SaskOutdoors funding for this program/project in the past?
If yes, what year(s)?

Budget Information

Completion of each question is required for you application to be considered.

Total Amount Requested from SaskOutdoors (max $500)
What is the total cost of the professional development opportunity? Please provide a breakdown of expenses, including registration fees, travel, accommodation, and materials.
If you receive partial funding for this project will you still be able to proceed?
If successful, how would you like to receive payment?
Please indicate the email address to send etransfer to or mailing address, including who to make the cheque out to.

Applicant Certification

I certify that the information in this application is true, correct and was written by the applicant. I understand that falsification of any information will result in disqualification of this application. I agree that this application becomes the property SaskOutdoors. I understand that this application will be assessed based on the information provided and submission of it does not guarantee that I will receive funding. I consent that if my organization secures funding, the release of the organization's name and provided photos for media and reporting purposes is authorized for the announcement and promotion of this grant program.

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