Our Exit and Succession Readiness Assessment Questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes to complete. Your custom report will be emailed to you in approximately 3-5 business days.

Download a Sample Report

* When would you like to exit your business?
* Have you identified which exit option is the most appropriate for you?
Are you open to different types of deal structures?
Do you have access to a core advisory team? (CPA, Financial Advisor, Attorney at a minimum)
Are your partners and/or family in agreement with your long-term plans and objectives for the business?
Do you have a specific plan regarding what you would like to do after you exit your business (playing golf doesn’t count)?
Do you have an insurance plan for the business?
Do you know how much you would need to sell the business for to call it a success?
Do you have a contingency plan in case you become incapacitated?
Do you have a financial plan that covers investing, retirement planning, tax planning, and estate planning?
Have you had a valuation run for your business?
How long could you go on vacation and not have to work?
How is you customer concentration?
Do all of your top employees have a backup designated?
Is your equipment and IT up-to-date and in good working order?
Sales are generally...
Have you documented your office, service, manufacturing, and marketing processes?

To get started with an estimated valuation, provide the NAICS code for your business below. Search for it here.

What is your NAICS code?
What is your estimated annual revenue?
What is your pre-tax profit?
What is the estimated value of your inventory? Equipment?
* Finally, what is your email address?