*Survey expires at 4pm on July 2nd.

1. What zip code do you currently live in?

Please respond based on your most recent SSL trips:

2. What is the most typical purpose of your trip? (select one)
3. Which Westbound weekday train number(s) do you ride most often? List all trains below, separating by a comma.
4. Which Westbound weekend train number(s) do you ride most often? List all trains below, separating by a comma.
5. Which Eastbound weekday train number(s) do you ride most often? List all trains below, separating by a comma.
6. Which Eastbound weekend train number(s) do you ride most often? List all trains below, separating by a comma.
7. Why do you take the South Shore Line? Select all that apply.
8. At what station do you primarily board the train at?
9. Please select one. From your experience, SSL trains are scheduled...

*Frequency refers to how often a SSL train services your stations (for example, every 30 minutes, every hour, etc.)

10. At what stations would you like to see additional train service? Select all that apply.
11. In what time frames would you like to see additional WEEKDAY Westbound train service?
12. In what time frames would you like to see additional WEEKDAY Eastbound train service?
13. In what time frames would you like to see additional WEEKEND Eastbound train service?
14. In what time frames would you like to see additional WEEKEND Westbound train service?
15. What are you most satisfied with regarding SSL performance? Select up to 3.
16. Which of the following could improve to increase your satisfaction with SSL? Select up to 3.
17. How can we improve our train schedule?
18. Additional comments