Share your input about Arts Daily!

Do you submit your arts activities to Arts Daily, or search Arts Daily for events to attend? If so, we need your input. Please complete this brief survey about how you use Arts Daily by February 15th.

How do you use Arts Daily? Please check all that apply.
How did you find out about Arts Daily? Please check all that apply.

Do you visit Arts Daily to find out about events or opportunities?

If not, please skip to the next section.

How do you usually look for what you’re seeking? Please check all that apply.
Which factors do you consider when using Arts Daily? Please check all that apply.

Do you submit your events or opportunities to Arts Daily?

If not, please skip to the last question.

Do you know if having your activities on Arts Daily is helpful?

*If you answered "Yes, I know it's helpful," please continue with the remaining questions. Otherwise, please skip to the last question.

How do you know it’s helpful?
In what way(s) is it helping?
Do you list your events or opportunities on other arts or community event calendars? Please check all that apply.
If you responded "yes" to the question above, please share which calendar(s) you're using.
Do you tell people to look for your events on Arts Daily?
If the Arts Commission provided a customized Arts Daily link (e.g., to visual arts classes, or to dance performances, or to events in a local area), would you use that link to promote your activities?
Would you be interested in helping us test customized Arts Daily links? If so, please provide your email address.

And lastly,

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your use of Arts Daily?


Organization (if applicable):
Email address: