All Three Images Are Different Versions Of Me

Rev. Jodi L. Suson-Calhoun

On My Journey Back To Health

Your Lifestyle Information 

Please complete each section to the best of your ability. Check those things that you do in your life on a regular basis. Today, you can assess your own lifestyle and better understand if your lifestyle is toxic free.  

Suson Essentials offers individual coaching sessions. We also offer the Emotional Healing Toxic Free Living Functional Food Program. It is perfect for those that want to reclaim their health. We offer the Self-Paced Program (no coaching), The Personal Coaching Program and the Family Coaching Program (includes coaching). 

The survey will take about 15 minutes on average.   By completing this form, you agree to be added to our mailing list which you can opt out of at any time.

* Please provide your email address
* Please provide your First and Last Name
* Please provide your best phone number
* I eat mostly Organic foods or sustainably produced
I eat mostly conventional foods (not organic or responsibly produced, i.e, has pesticides and growth homones)
* I eat mostly Whole Foods
* I eat mostly Processed Foods like boxed food, pizza, Soda/pop pasta, cereal, cookies, ( more 50%)
* I drink 6-8 glasses of water a day
* I drink less than 6-8 glasses of water a day
* My tap water is filtered
* My tap water is not filtered - I drink from the tap
* I drink mostly bottled water
* I filter my shower water
* I consume high amounts of cane sugar - more than 30 grams a day (e.g., average can of pop/soda has 37 grams of sugar)
* I consume sugar substitutes that are plant based e.g., honey, monk fruit, stevia, agave
* I consume sugar substitutes that are synthetic , *e.g., equal, splenda, Sweet N' Low
* What is your dietary preference(s)?
* I am caffeine free
* Let's Learn About Your Alcohol Consumption
* I cook with aluminum foil
* I cover my food in aluminum foil
* Does your home or work space have mold?
* If You answered Yes to the last question which area has the mold ?
* We all live with stress, do you believe you live with "chronic" stress at home?
* We all live with stress, do you believe you live with "chronic" high stress at work?
Using a scale of 1- 5, How stressful is your life?
Less Stress
More Stress
* Do you believe that you live by your highest values most of the time
* On a scale of 1 -5 How sad do you feel most of the time?
Hardly ever
Most of the time
* Do you have chronic pain?
* If you have pain, Where do you have pain? Put N/A if it does not apply
* What do you do to manage your emotions (anger, stress, grief) Check all that apply to you
* Did you Know That Stress and Pain Shrink Your Brain?
* Do You Know that your brain Is responsible for how you feel?
* Have you ever had a brain injury, concussion, TBI, Brain Tumor or something else?
If You answered Yes to the brain Injury, please share when it happened, how it happened and the steps you took to help yourself. Please put N/A if not applicable
* Do you believe your are responsible for your own health?
* EMF Exposure - Please check all that apply to you
* Please help me understand what you use for personal care items. Check all that apply
* Please Help Me Understand Your Household Items. Please Check All That Apply
* What is the most important thing(s) that you want to change for yourself right now? Please list the top 3 only
* Have you ever invested in yourself? (self help courses, plant based healing, coaching)
* On a scale of 1 - 5 how coachable are you ?
Not coachable
Very Coachable
* Have you ever had a test get to the root problem and provide solutions?
* What is the most important thing(s) that you want to change for yourself right now? Please list the top 3 only
* Congratulations. If you want to learn about how to live toxic free you can schedule a meeting