Submit Your Results: 2024 Randi's Virtual Race

Randi's Virtual Race: A 5k for Hope and Courage is taking place alongside our traditional race. Please complete your 5k and we ask that you submit your results to us by 9:00 p.m. on May 11, 2024. If you have any questions, you may email [email protected]. Thanks, and we'll be in touch with the full results!

* Email
* First & Last Name (name you registered with)

If you'd like to share any photos or short video clips of your 5k please feel free to email them to [email protected]!

Do you consider yourself a
Did you complete a 5k (3.1 miles) run or walk this week?
* Please enter your 5k race time, in hours/minutes/seconds
Have you participated in Randi's Race in previous years?
Do you have any other feedback for us? Please share, if so. Thank you for joining us for Randi's Virtual Race - we hope to see you next year!

Thank you, abc27 for being our Randi's Race Media Sponsor this year!