South Windsor Business Showcase Survey


The South Windsor Chamber of Commerce and the Town of South Windsor Economic Development Commission are considering an event that will help South Windsor businesses showcase their products and services. Your responses as a South Windsor business owner or decision maker will help us determine the best type of show that we can put together that will help your business. While we ask for identifying information, your individual responses will be kept confidential by the event steering committee.

Your Information:

* Your Name
* Business Name
* Business Address
* Your position at the business
* Are you the decision maker?

If no:

Please provide the email address of the decision maker so that we can send them this survey
* Your Industry
Describe what your business does
If you would like to receive the results of this survey, please supply your email address
* Are you a business that serves

Event Related Questions:

* Which day of the week would you prefer? (Select all that apply)
* Which time of day would you prefer? (Select all that apply)
* Please describe your ideal attendee
* Please check off all the ways that your business would use this opportunity
* Please select the maximum amount you would consider spending on a booth, keeping in mind that the higher the cost, the better the quality of the event, marketing and provisions (such as poles and draping, tables) for your booth will be
Would your business benefit more as a sponsor of the event with signage and acknowledgement in the event marketing rather than as a vendor?

One concept being discussed is an outdoor event on a Saturday in June. The vendor cost would be very low, and you would need to supply your own canopy, table, chairs, generator if needed, etc. The following questions pertain to your feelings about this type of event:

* Would you consider a booth at an outdoor event as described above?

If yes:

Would you prefer
* Would you prefer we market this outdoor event to
Thank you for your responses. If you would like to volunteer to be part of the event committee, please provide your phone number and email and we will contact you!
If you have any other comments about this topic, please use the following space to share your thoughts, questions and suggestions