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Welcome back!

We're asking all age groups (nursery through college) to register for the 2023-2024 year. Sunday School, Confirmation, and High School Youth classes and activities resume on Sunday, September 17th.

If you have any questions, feel free to email [email protected]. Thanks!!

Registration Questions

* Parent(s)/Guardian(s) First & Last Name
* Parent/Guardian Contact Information: Mailing Address, Email & Cell Phone (Email is used regularly to communicate with parents.)
* Emergency Contact Name, Phone number, Relationship to student(s)
* Volunteer Opportunities: Teamwork makes the dream work :-) Volunteers are an essential part to the ministries of Edgebrook Lutheran Church. Please indicate how you can serve this year.
* (Student 1) First & Last Name; Birthday; Nickname; Pronouns
* (Student 1) Grade entering Fall 2023
List the best way to contact your 6th-12th and college student for sharing information. (Student 1) Cell phone & Email
(Student 2) First & Last Name; Birthday; Nickname; Pronouns
(Student 2) Grade entering Fall 2023
List the best way to contact your 6th-12th and college student for sharing information. (Student 2) Cell phone & Email
(Student 3) First & Last Name; Birthday; Nickname; Pronouns
(Student 3) Grade entering Fall 2023
List the best way to contact your 6th-12th and college student for sharing information. (Student 3) Cell phone & Email
* Are there any allergies, dietary restrictions, health and emotional needs or other considerations we should be aware of to make this school year loving, safe, and welcoming for your student and family??
* My child(ren)'s picture may be used to promote the ministries of Edgebrook Lutheran Church in our communication via email to ELC, posted on our website, and on social media platforms.

As parent/guardian of the minor named above, I hereby grant permission for my student(s) to participate in events and activities through Edgebrook Lutheran Church for the 2023-2024 program (September 2023-September 2024). I also grant permission for Edgebrook Lutheran Church staff, Faith Formation leaders (Sunday School, Confirmation, High School Youth), or any other authorized adult leader with our group to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain emergency care as warranted for the well-being of my student(s).

These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: Attempts to contact a parent or guardian; Attempts to contact the student's physician; Seek medical examination/treatment for injuries/condition by a medical professional.

My electronic signature below indicates that I understand and agree to the policy and terms listed above, and agree that any expenses incurred in a necessary emergency or other medical treatment will be borne solely by the student's medical coverage and/or family. I will not hold any leader or organization liable for any injury or accident.

* Parent/Guardian Signature

Thank you for registering your student(s) for 2023-2024.

We've been praying for you and your family, especially as we transition into the fall.

We are doing our best to support you and keep you and our faith community safe.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or contact Pastor Christina at 773-763-2121.

We look forward to seeing you at Rally Day and our Faith Formation classes and activities throughout the year! Stay safe and be well!