
Food Smarts (6-week class)

Does learning about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle interest you but not sure where to start? Join us for a 6-week workshop designed to support healthy behavioral change in the areas of healthy eating, food safety, cooking, food waste reduction and food resource management.

Food Smarts is offered through our CalFresh Healthy Living Program and is only open to adults aged 60+ who reside in Sacramento, Nevada, Placer, Yolo, Yuba or Sutter Counties who are enrolled in, or eligible for, CalFresh.

If you're not sure, give us a call at (916) 352-8808. We can help determine eligibility and walk you through the application process!

Food Smarts (6-week class)

* What is your first name?
What is your email address?
* Are you enrolled in, or eligible for, CalFresh food benefits?
If you are unsure, would you like to find out if you are eligible for CalFresh food benefits?
* Do you prefer to attend an in-person workshop or join the class virtually (with your tablet or computer)?
* Which days work best for you? Please check all that apply.
* Do you prefer morning or afternoon classes?