Natural Resources

Questions could have more than one answer unless noted to pick one.

1. What kinds of new/improved green space would you like to see in the neighborhood?
2. In a general sense, where should new green spaces be located?
3. How might we protect and access clean water?
4. Community members have told us that they want to see more green space and better air quality. If given a choice, which of the following would you prefer to see in Payne-Phalen in the next 10 years: (pick one)
5. How could we work together to make improvements to air quality?
6. A lot of people have told us that they’re concerned about our society’s reliance on fossil fuels. So, to reduce the harmful impacts, we need to be part of a clean energy future. Which one of these would you like to see in Payne-Phalen in the next ten years?
7. How do you feel about who should be developing, owning, and controlling clean energy utilities:
8. What ideas do you have for how we can teach children, youth, and adults to respect nature?
Optional: Approximately what age will you be ten years from now?
Optional: Which of these local organizations have you heard of or know a little bit about?