The Town of Petawawa is looking to modernize marketing materials including the Town logo. The current marketing logo is pictured above on the left with the slogan "Dynamic By Nature".

The marketing logo is a visual illustration of what the Town of Petawawa represents to residents, businesses and visitors. The corporate logo or municipal crest featuring the deer is pictured above. The corporate logo is used on corporate assets and Council materials.

Please complete this short survey to share your input.

If you require assistance completing this survey, you can contact the Town of Petawawa's Economic Development Coordinator by calling 613-687-5536 ext. 2057.

Petawawa Branding Survey - Dynamic By Nature

What is your connection to Petawawa?
Should Petawawa use two different logos?
What images, pictures or locations best represent Petawawa?
List five (5) words that describe Petawawa.
Are the current logos a visual representation of our community?
Do you feel the slogan Dynamic By Nature represents Petawawa?
Suggest an alternate tag line or slogan for the Town of Petawawa.
What colour(s) do you think represents Petawawa?
What is the meaning behind the colours you selected?
What is your preferred colour palette out of the options below?
Share your "Petawawa Story" with us. Tell us why Petawawa is such an amazing place to live or visit.