Lake Anna State Park Master Plan

Public Information Survey

Lake Anna State Park in Spotsylvania, VA is undergoing a 10-Year Master Plan process. This survey seeks to solicit feedback from the public on the purpose, experiences, and long-term development of the park. The deadline for completion is Monday, July 15, 2024. We appreciate your input!

Section 1: Demographic Information

Email Address
What is your home zip code?
What is your age group?

Section 2: Background and Introduction

How many times have you visited Lake Anna State Park in the last 12 months?
If you have visited the park within the last 12 months, what were your primary reasons for visiting? Please select all that apply.

Section 3: Visitor Experience

What are three words or phrases that describe what you value or connect to at Lake Anna?
Who do you see using the park?
Each park has characteristics that set it apart from other locations. These characteristics can include unique natural features or habitats, important historical sites, or stories tied to its location. What sets this park apart from other locations in the area?
Each park also has a unique combination of opportunities that don't occur elsewhere. If someone only had half an hour to spend at the park, what would you tell them to see or do?
If someone had a full day to spend at the park, what would you tell them to see or do?
What words or phrases should be included in the park's purpose statement?
Rank the importance of the following educational opportunities associated with Lake Anna State Park from most important to least important (rank 1-7).

Section 4: Recreation

Rank the importance of the following recreational opportunities associated with Lake Anna State Park from most important to least important (rank 1-10).
What additional overnight facilities should be provided at Lake Anna State Park? Please rank the facilities in order of most to least preferred (rank 1-6).
What additional day-use facilities should be provided at Lake Anna State Park? This may include new facilities or expansion of existing facilities. Please rank facilities in order of most to least preferred (rank 1-10).
Please specify the type of trails from the question above
Are there any recreational opportunities or facilities that should not be provided?
How can Lake Anna State Park continue to offer opportunities for community partnership? Please select all that apply.
Do any existing park features need improvement? If so, please select all features that need improvement:
Please provide any additional detail for features that need improvement:
Do you have any other feedback for the Lake Anna State Park Master Plan?

Thank you for your feedback!

For questions, please email [email protected]