Rhode Island Bar Association New Lawyer Survey

* 1. What are the most significant issues you personally face as a new attorney? (Select all that apply)
* 2. What could the RIBA offer to facilitate more of a sense of belonging for newer members?
* 3. What types of support or resources do you believe the RIBA could provide to better assist new lawyers in their professional development?
* 4. What do you feel are the most valuable RIBA membership benefits for new lawyers? (Select up to 3)
* 5. Which of the following RIBA services have you used in the past 90 days?
* 6. What types of networking opportunities and events would you find most valuable as a new lawyer? (Please select three)
* 7. What day of the week would you most likely attend a networking or educational event? (Select all that apply)
* 8. What time of day would you prefer to attend a networking or educational event?
* 9. How many RIBA Committees do you currently serve on?
* 10. What is your preferred format for Committee meetings?
* 11. How do you usually learn about upcoming CLE seminars offered by RIBA? (Select all that apply)
* 12. How often do you attend CLE seminars or courses offered by RIBA?
* 13. What formats of CLE seminars do you prefer? (Select all that apply)
* 14. What types of CLE topics or subjects are you most interested in for future seminars?
* 15. Have you ever attended the RIBA Annual Meeting?
16. If you have attended the Annual Meeting, please list the reasons why below.
17. If you have not attended the Annual Meeting, what would attract you to attend the event?
* 18. Would you be interested in applying for the newly established RIBA Leadership Academy? (The Academy is a nine-month leadership-training program designed to foster professional growth and enhance the leadership skills of a diverse group of future Bar leaders.)
19. If you are not interested in applying for the Leadership Academy, please explain below.
* 19. How do you prefer to be informed about RIBA activities, resources, and events? (Select all that apply)