The Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association (PALA) invites you to submit a proposal to share your expertise with Pennsylvania’s Personal Care and Assisted Living professionals at an upcoming conference. Being a speaker allows you to share your knowledge as well as provides exposure to PALA’s network of senior living leaders and professionals.

Fall Conference

Oct. 9-10, 2024 | Wyndham Gettysburg

Additional trainings opportunities may be scheduled based on need.

To be considered for an upcoming speaking opportunity, please fill out the following PALA Speaker Proposal Form. Proposals should:


  • Address the professional development and informational needs of attendees,
  •  Detail how the proposal applies to the industry, 
  • Address critical issues and/or emerging trends,
  • Offer an engaging format,
  • Deliver information that can be used by attendees at work as well as the tools to improve work performance.


No company, product or service may be endorsed in the presentation. Any product or service referenced in the presentation must be generic and available through other companies.


PALA receives numerous speaker proposals throughout the year and cannot honor every request. All requests will be given equal consideration. Upon review of the proposal by PALA’s Education Committee, you will be contacted if the topic is selected. All proposals must be submitted through this form or by email ([email protected]). No phone calls please!

Deadlines to Submit Speaker Proposals:

Friday, June 14, 2024

Email Address:
Website Address:
Session Title:
Session Length:
SESSION SUMMARY: 150 – 200 words describing the presentation. Learning objectives should be expressed in a clear and concise manner to attendees. Attendees should be able to quickly determine the intent of the presentation.
PRESENTATION LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Please list up to "3" learning objectives for the session.
PROVIDE A SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY WHICH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 1. All academic institutions attended, degrees, majors and years of graduation 2. Current job responsibilities 3. Pertinent qualifying experience, including past job experience, awards and honors.
HONORARIUM/TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT: If you require an honorarium and/or travel reimbursement to present this proposed session, please provide details below. Proposals requiring speaker honorariums and/or travel reimbursement will be reviewed and decisions will be made based on proposed topic, needs, and budget requirements.
REFERENCES: Provide "2" references for education programming sessions you have presented in the past that we may contact, if needed.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please provide any additional information you would like PALA to consider when evaluating your proposal to speak.