State Agency CORE-CACFP Mobile App Evaluation

* How many years of CACFP experience do you have?
* How many years of training experience do you have?
* Do you provide training and/or technical assistance directly to sponsoring organizations?
* Do you develop State agency policy related to the CACFP?
* Are you a part of State agency management?
* Do you have any other primary role within your State agency (other than the ones stated above)?If so, please state your role below:
* Which platform did you use to download the app?
* Which microlessons did you complete
* Do you think sponsoring organizations will benefit from access to these microlessons?
* Would you recommend the USDA CORE Mobile App to Sponsoring Organizations?
* On average, how long did it take you to complete each microlesson?
* What did you enjoy most about the USDA CORE Mobile App?
Use the space below to provide any additional feedback regarding the USDA CORE Mobile App:
Please provide your contact information below (optional): Name, Job Title, Company Name, Work Phone, Email Address