"Expanding the Northern Florida Ecosystem” Workshop

We would like to invite you to participate in a short survey to gather your opinions and feedback on the AAMT Workshop held at Florida State University's Panama City campus on October 2-3, 2023. This information will be used to improve future events.

Thank you for your time and we hope to see you at another event soon!


Please evaluate the event here:

Event agenda was easy to understand and navigate
Lower Range
Upper Range
Speakers had relevant knowledge of the subject
Lower Range
Upper Range
Speakers were effective in presenting the material
Lower Range
Upper Range
Sessions covered the material that I expected
Lower Range
Upper Range
Moderated Discovery Sessions were relevant
Lower Range
Upper Range
Plenary sessions were relevant
Lower Range
Upper Range
I had a clear understanding of the format of this workshop beforehand
Lower Range
Upper Range
I understand the goals of AM Forward FL
Lower Range
Upper Range
I had ample opportunity to participate in discussions
Lower Range
Upper Range
What aspects of this workshop were most useful to you?
What aspects of this event could be improved or expanded upon?
Were there any topics not covered in this event that would have been of benefit to you and/or your company?
I am interested in joining the AAMT NSF Engines Type II effort as an active member of the writing team
First Name (optional)
Last Name (optional)
Email Address (optional)
Please indicate your affiliated institution or company (optional):
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