
* How do you typically discover new gyms or fitness facilities for your clients? What marketing channels or strategies are most effective in catching your attention?
* What specific marketing materials or information would you find helpful when considering a gym for your clients? (e.g., brochures, website, social media presence)
* Are there any specific promotional offers or incentives that would encourage you to bring your clients to a new gym?
* How important is the pricing structure of a gym when deciding whether to train your clients there? What pricing models or options do you find most appealing?
* Are there any additional services or amenities that you believe would add value to a gym and make it more attractive for personal trainers and their clients?
* How important is the cleanliness and maintenance of the gym facility to you and your clients? What measures or standards do you expect in this regard?
* What are your thoughts on the availability and scheduling of training spaces within the gym?
* How important is it to have dedicated areas for personal training sessions?
* Are there any specific partnerships or collaborations with other businesses or professionals that you believe would benefit personal trainers and their clients in a gym setting?
* How important is the flexibility and accessibility of the gym's operating hours for you and your clients?
* How important is the flexibility and accessibility of the gym's operating hours for you and your clients?