The purpose of this survey is to learn which tools planners are using to advance housing supply and choice, especially those presented in MAP’s Zoning Reform Toolkit. Let us know where you're from, and then check the tools your community has adopted. The survey results will help MAP better understand if members find the Toolkit useful and which regulatory changes are being implemented. We hope to catalogue your examples to help our members research best solutions for their community by providing easy access to other communities that have already done the work.

Thank you for helping to expand housing supply and access in Michigan!

Community name
Community type
Is zoning reform for housing a topic that your municipality is talking about?
Have you used the MAP Zoning Reform Toolkit to inspire or guide regulatory changes?
Which of the following ZONE DISTRICT tools does your community use (or has implemented in the past)?
Which of the following FORM AND CONTEXT tools does your community use (or has implemented in the past)?
Which of the following PROCESS tools does your community use (or has implemented in the past)?
Are there other tools your community uses to increase housing supply, choice, and/or affordability? Please tell us about them.
Is there anything you'd like to share about these tools, other tools you use, or increasing housing supply and access?

Questions about the survey? Want to provide more or different information?

Email [email protected].