Greetings, Beloved Watchmen for Israel:


“I want to encourage you to continue to cry out for the glory of God and the mercy of God in the nation of Israel.” —Mike Bickle, IHOPKC (watch his full exhortation here)


First, THANK YOU for your response and for standing at attention awaiting next steps to engage this war. Global and local leaders of the Church agree — it is time for the Church to fast TOGETHER AGAIN and press in for God to raise up His promised 100 Million Intercessors for Israel! 


As the nation has entered into warring against the terrorist regime of Hamas, watchmen around the world have been activated and are preparing our networks to enter into another global wave of intercession since the . Thank you to all who are already at your post!


We are calling the worldwide body of the Lord into a revolving three-day Global Esther Fast — to choose three days and nights over the coming weeks to fast and pray, and see the spirit of Amalek through Hamas defeated. 


In the spirit of Esther, humbling ourselves through collective prayer and fasting, to seek favor with the King of Kings on behalf of the salvation of Israel. We are standing on His Word against this spirit that is responsible for terrorizing and killing many thousands within Israel — Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. Please prayerfully consider and commit to the following:


1.   Visit to register for you and your hub to fast and pray for three days and nights to see the terrorist enemies of Israel defeated.


2.   Share the Global Esther Fast with your church and praying networks via email and social media! See the seven prayer points on the website home page and watch for more videos from Israel and messages from the Nations to inform your intercession.


We are scheduling 50 minute Zoom meetings this week to provide a place for you to hear from boots on the ground leaders at the epicenter of the call to this Global Esther Fast. Stay tuned for dates and times that will be posted on the website. Please encourage others to sign up to receive updates as well. Many thanks and blessings.


For the sake of Zion,

Dean Bye

Return Ministries

Founder and International Director

