Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing!

It is indeed a pleasure to inform you of an opportunity that will prove to be the answer to many of your prayers. For the past twenty-eight years, we here at Interfaith University have been prayerfully tailoring a God-given system for winning souls, evangelizing the world, and securing the financial inflow towards ministries with vision.

Interfaith University is a Christian Bible College that focuses on various aspects of Christianity and life. We offer over 55 accredited degrees and a wide scale of credentials (ranging from diploma to doctorate level degrees). We have found that the quality of Christian Education that our students experience here greatly enhances their personal walk with God and effectively equips them for service to mankind.

Fill in the Form Below To Get Started Today!

We truly value our students’ decision to further their Christian education through our school. We realize that many believers desire such an opportunity to enhance their Christian education and we are pleased to offer them a vehicle that makes their dreams come true. We also realize that many ministers, like you, in an effort to minister to this need, are therefore constantly searching for ways to incorporate offering quality Christian education through their ministry and ministry program(s) to the people of their ministry, their partners, local community, etc.

Fill in the Form Below To Get Started Today!

We would like to give you this opportunity- to offer your congregation any of 55 accredited degrees through a program that we offer, whereby a branch of Interfaith University would be set up in your ministry as a type of Christian Education program. If you desire, we are willing to send representatives to train any teachers that you would have teaching the classes. We have found that this helps ensure that your vision concerning the excellence and integrity of your Christian Education program is preserved, articulated to your leaders, and demonstrated to the people to whom you minister. We are truly looking forward to hearing from you! So, please click or copy and paste the link below to begin the process of setting up your official branch of Interfaith University.

God Bless You,

Branch Development Division

Fill in the Form Below To Get Started Today!

Package includes:

  • A three-day training event at your local ministry or via webinar format
  • Legal right to use the established Interfaith University name in conjunction with the name of your ministry or church
  • All copyrighted lessons, tests, forms, booklettes needed to cultivate and maintain a thriving body of students
  • Access to a trained consultant to guide you along the way
  • Professional progress reports on each student
  • And much, much, more!

So, please fill in the contact form below to begin the process of setting up your official branch of Interfaith University. We guarantee that you’ll be glad that you did!

We look forward to helping you make a mark that can’t be erased in the lives of those to whom you minister!

Q: Is there a certain number of interested students required to start a branch school?

A: Yes, 2 or 3 (Matthew 18:18)

Q: Are there opportunities for internships at the branch school?

A: Yes, however, that depends upon the local branch school leadership and its affiliates.

Q: Approximately how long does it take to properly set up a branch school?

A: It takes anywhere from 10 to 90 days. Any extended time would require special permission from the provost, or the process would have to be reinitiated.

Q: How do I explain the meaning of Interfaith University to those who are interested in applying?

A: Refer them to our student handbook, located at The link is located in the footer of the homepage.

Q: How often should a branch school meet for class?

A: Some branch schools meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. This is totally at the discretion of the branch school administrator.

Q: How will the curriculum and educational programs of the branch school differ from the main school, if at all?

A: The training for branch school administration and leadership differs in that it is designed to prepare those who are workers in the school. However, the school curriculum is the same for the main school and branch schools (all this subject is to state and territorial laws).

Q: Can I start an Interfaith University branch school myself or will I need to have a board of trustees?

A: It takes 2 or 3 people to formulate a school (Matthew 18:18-20).

Q: What support can we expect from the main school during the initial setup?

A: You will receive telephone, email, webinar, and text support.


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