About the Inclusion Summit

We all share the wish to live fulfilling lives, to live with purpose and to share meaningful connections with others. This desire does not change as we grow older, but how we are able to find that purpose and make those connections often does. All too often, a lack of intentionality in planning creates barriers to engagement for older adults, resulting in a disconnection that causes real harm and loss at both the individual and community level. To ensure that we all have the opportunity to live fulfilling lives throughout our lifespan, individuals, community members, and program leaders need to plan with intention to engage, include, and learn from older adults of all ages and all different walks of life. This intentionally inclusive planning includes listening and learning what matters and elevating this information through leadership and advocacy to ensure that older adults continue to have a seat at the table, especially later in life. 

At the Inclusion Summit, participants will explore how to engage in this work within their community, no matter their role - as a lifelong community leader, healthcare provider, funder, advocate or legislative representative, or organizational leader.

  • Our keynote session will explore the importance of maintaining social connection as we age and the value older adults contribute to the overall well-being of a community, with emphasis on the significance of viewing these connections through an equity lens.
  • Morning breakouts will dig deeper into the practical questions of how to engage in inclusion work at any level, as an individual, a community organizer, an organizational leader, and as a person seeking to include and elevate the voices of diverse and traditionally marginalized older adults.
  • Exclusive Follow Up Program for Summit Registrants - We know that virtual conferences need to be planned differently than an in-person event, specifically they need to be shorter to allow for increased focus and participation.  Because of this, we are shortening the day as outlined above and changing our plans for the afternoon Inclusion Skills in Action workshop.  We are planning a separate workshop as a follow up to the Summit as a replacement.  More details to come.

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Thank You to Our Summit Sponsors & Exhibitors

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With Gratitude

The Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging wishes to thank our funders for their support of the Inclusion Summit.