You don't want to miss this.

Jun 08

Re(CLAY)mation of Collaborative Intersections

Join us to learn from Lydia C. Thompson, a mixed media artist, as she discusses the history of African American ceramics and the inception for the “Like the Dust Settles in Layers, So Does the Story” and 2024 NCECA Multicultural Fellowship exhibitions. Thompson's lecture will include the history of African American ceramics from enslaved people who worked in brickyards and potteries and individual potters such as Dave Drake, Joseph Conneraw, and contemporary ceramic artists who have become household names.

Presented in conjunction with the 2024 NCECA Multicultural Fellowship exhibition.

122 West Leigh Street
122 West Leigh Street, RICHMOND, VA 23220-3211
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Jun 08, 2024 02:00pm ET - Jun 08, 2024 04:00pm ET
