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Apr 15

Online Deliverance Prayer Session - April 15, 2024

We look forward to you joining our next St. Michael Center deliverance prayer webinar because God has been so generous to us in our previous sessions.

Join us and witness how good God is to us all and how He wants to heal us. All glory to God!

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Apr 15, 2024 06:30pm ET - Apr 15, 2024 08:00pm ET


Read reflections from our Last Prayer Session:

“I wept with relief and gratitude when you quoted our Lady saying how much she and the Lord loved us. I've been struggling to believe that God truly loves me. So it seems like a breakthrough…Thank you so much.”

“During the divination prayer, I felt nausea and acid indigestion - I felt like I needed to vomit…In my ignorance and pride I used to read tarot cards in the past…I plan to continue with these prayers until the next deliverance session. Thank you all and God bless you.”

“If I tell you that tears are healing…I cried like a baby after deliverance prayer from parents and family abuse whether it be spiritual or physical. Grateful. For all the blessings that come from this deliverance session monthly.”

“This was a powerful session that left me with a peace...a sense of well-being, knowing and accepting that Jesus was with me and that I truly was embraced by God and with HIs Grace I was finally embracing my identity as a daughter of God.”

“During this session or the retreat especially with the St Patrick's prayer and the thought of God's power or Jesus' precious blood I had goose bumps or an uplifting surge of certainty that God heals and cares for all of us.”

“When praying my hands became unusually warm, and then it spread up up my arms and face. I'm not quite sure what that means but it was a peaceful, calming experience.” 

“I found the event to be prayerful and helpful. There were several occasions when I was brought to tears for reasons that were deep and shrouded in mystery as to "what" was going on. I wept during the Litany of the Saints and then again during the prayer for healing from generational spirits/curses and I don't weep easily.”

“Today our adult son who for 20 years has been addicted to alcohol and drugs prayed for deliverance with you and us. This was such a blessing since we have been praying for him for years. Thank you Msgr. As these services are a great blessing and healing for all of us who pray with you.” 

“I had a sense of deeper healing and deliverance from wounds as a child from sexual abuse and physical abuse. These wounds tempted me not to trust in God ‘s love that would allow this to happen. I felt a very very strong increase in FAITH! This opened up a tremendous avenue of Love! I was crying a lot during this session. Lots of healing! So thank you so much!”

“I feel cleaner than usual. My mind, body and soul feels like I showered 15 [times] in a row. That’s the only way I know to explain it!”

“When we were praying to God The Father for self hatred, being unwanted, I felt strongly The Embrace of my Papa God and became emotional. Thank you.”

“This session brought me peace and comfort”

“I felt more energized and light like my worries and fears had been lifted.”

“I had a great Peace and a sense of security and protection was a very natural and simple sensation but very pleasant”

“Your deliverance session today and the lessons lifted my spirits. My confidence is in the love of Jesus Christ and he is in control.”

“Deep sense of peace and love…also mainly a clarity of mind I have never experienced before. I have since the last retreat a reconciliation that has opened my heart like nothing else has! Praise be to God! Amen”

“What touched me was that at the beginning I was feeling anxious/nervous about issues in my life and then I received peace and relaxation. Also, during the prayers to lift Free Masonic curses, I felt all around me a great deal of activity/forces around me. I feel a lot less now. These prayers are a great blessing to me.”

“a lot of head shaking and jerking during the Latin prayer”

“this one really touched my heart...I was able to open my heart to Our Lord in a way I had not been able to before during these sessions, and that was a beautiful thing…" 

“I love the sense of peace that I have after the sessions. And also a lighter joyful spirit. I struggle with depression and it’s so much easier after a session!”

“It leaves me with serenity, a feeling I seldom get.”

“After praying the deliverance prayer for financial curses, I began to sob uncontrollably.”

“Just felt immense peace throughout the retreat. Especially during the deliverance prayers. I very rarely feel peace like that. Thank you!!!”

“I revived to the extent that my husband and I were able to drive to a nearby Church for Confessions. I am very, very grateful to God and to you Monsignor and Gina for this help and healing.”

“Yes during prayer I could not stop crying after I went to confession I continue to cry after confession and I could not stop…it was like a release…the crying felt that it was coming deep within”

"During the lifting of curses especially financial I could feel I was being strangled…in my minds eye I could see my old Tibetan dharma teacher…I had confessed this and taking refuge as a Tibetan Buddhist but I could see him strangling me. During the freemasonry I felt a black nouse [noose] around my neck and a fear I was going to die as the prayers were being said I almost wanted to collapse on the floor and felt very weak…I feel very blessed and grateful these experiences have strengthened my faith and trust. Through your intercession and prayers I feel great strength and hope.”

“God is great I feel so much better. My back is not so much in pain and I feel liberated in especially after saying the prayers for removing generational curses during that prayer I had excruciating pain shoot up my back.”

I felt agitated and an odd feeling in my chest when saying the prayers to deliver from financial and generational / freemasonic curses. I did the renouncing of ancestral

Freemasonic curses a few hours later as my paternal, Protestant grandparents were Freemason and Eastern Star.

“Yes, I feel much better. During the session I suffered attack as pushing and mild headache . But after I felt in peace and no more attacks.”

“I was overcome with an exceptional tiredness, I could have laid on the floor to sleep immediately. I was 'more than' tired…I persevered, but…later in the session this sudden tiredness came over me again”

“I felt the peace of God after the prayer session & was especially touched at the end when Msgr Rossetti prayed that the Father "wrap His arms around you", & also prayed for courage for those who are discouraged - these prayers actually made me cry!” 

“During one of the prayers I felt a very warm sensation in my torso, and tears started flowing.”

“I can only say that the tears flowed and I felt a deeper desire to Love God more…”

“I noticed during deliverance from the spirits of curses I stirred coughing violently, and then it stopped. Then I fell all this burning love in my heart and peace”

“I started to feel that I know that God sees me and all of us so personally and so I’m not alone with all of the trials I thought were not manageable. Being prayed over was very emotional and intense and quite beautiful. I felt much more hopeful as I experienced the retreat. I feel spiritual safety.”

“I was overcome with emotions at the end of the Breastplate of St. Patrick Prayers…I started to cry, like it was a positive emotional release.”

“My usual nervousness and anxiety has greatly diminished.” 

“Experienced numerous waves of cool sensations throughout my body when praying, particularly when making the Sign of the Cross.”

“As the deliverance prayers began, I began to cry. The tears continued through much of the entire prayers. Afterward, I felt lighter some how, not sure how to explain it.”

“It felt like something was weighing on my chest. After you prayed the long prayers it completely lifted. Yes! It absolutely made a world of difference.”

“…suddenly, in the midst of one of one of the deliverance prayers, I found myself filled with joy and peace beyond all understanding! I rarely cry, but I had tears come to my eyes. This is not usual for me! The best way to describe it is that the tears welled up from a deep place in my heart.”

“In spite that I am Christian, baptised at Catholic Church, I embraced New Age teachings and practices, diving into Reiki and dowsing (radiesthesy). During the deliverance through Fr Rossetti, I felt that Jesus loves me and doesn't want my condemnation, rather to save my soul, though. I felt the power of his prayers coming into my whole being.”

“…follow all your recommendations and a lot has changed for the better. Yesterday I cried from the prayer to break seals to the prayer in latin - it was a mix between sadness and gratitude - but gratitude was stronger.”

“I did experience a calm peace following the session. I had been having a growing sense of anxiety that has left.”

I have been attending the monthly, deliverance sessions, and the retreats, for about a year and a half. I am amazed at how dark my life was a year and a half ago…I felt darkness thrown from me this last session and curious sensations in my body, which seemed healthy. I thank this ministry for this enormous gift, which is changing my walk with Christ…”

“after saying the deliverance prayer for financial curses, I began to weep uncontrollably”

“I experienced something leaving me that was making me very numb in my feelings(my heart) and also clouding my vision, or clarity of mind. I feel exhausted but I was able to notice many changes and a feeling of relief. This was the best experience I’ve had coming back into the faith after many wrong paths. Msgr was very informational, helpful and I definitely felt God’s love and grace through him and the deliverance prayers.”

“At times, tears came down my face- during certain prayers being said. I felt safe, loved and peaceful. The most important thing; I felt was hopeful.”

“Msgr Rossetti: these prayers have changed my life. Without realizing it, I had been sucked into the new age spirituality that would have you believe there is no hell and that we are serving our sentence in hell on earth now. I thank you and your teams. 

Again, your prayers have changed my life and brought me back into the Catholic Church.”

“WOW…I have never been hit with so much anxiety. My entire body shook and trembled as the exercises began. Looking forward to the next one Thank you”

“I was heavily involved in new age and yoga for over 30 years…yesterday’s retreat was super powerful. While I did confess my former new age involvement to a priest, yesterday, I remembered things in detail that I had forgotten. These sessions are so super helpful. I returned to the Roman Catholic church three years ago and am so grateful for the resources the church offers. Thank you so much again!”

“I couldn't stop crying during the laat [last] prayer, deep soul cry of hurt and help.”

“I was crying in a kind of relief during the generational prayers. This was followed with some joy; at last! I had a few quick movements of the head/neck moving sharply to the left, and movements of my spine twisting to the left. ! There was a heaviness for most of the session and into the rest of the day and into the morning of the next…It was an experience in my head (pain) and in my abdomen. It finally released at Mass the next day. Thank you for a powerful Webinar!”

“I felt nauseated throughout the prayers however it was followed by tears of joy and an inner peace. My household changed in that my husband began reading the Bible and now wants to share it with me. Thanks Be to God.” 

“I had a fit of coughing, burping, and nasal congestion that went away instantly when you prayed about deliverance from ingested things and trouble with the stomach and throat. I felt better physically and spiritually after attending the retreat.” 

“I felt as though the prayers and teachings turned on a light in my mind, making me more aware of negative influences in my past. I am very grateful for the wealth of information about how to protect myself. I felt nourished by the safe and holy space of the retreat and didn't want the retreat to end.”