Resilient Student Workshop Banner - young children

The Resilient Student Workshop

Unlock Your Child’s Potential

Are you tired of watching your child struggle with academics, concentration, or emotional challenges? Or perhaps they’re doing okay, but you want to help them to improve and excel in school plus all areas of their life.

As a Parent or Educator, you have the power to make a difference, and I’m here to guide you!

Join this online interactive 3-session workshop, and discover the power of Self-Help Acupressure and how it can enhance focus and emotional strength in students of all ages.

Kids’ Challenges

Life is Complicated! Your children or students may be affected by:

  • Academic Frustration: struggling with their studies
  • Digital Distractions: excessive screen time and technology addiction
  • Emotional Rollercoaster: battling anxiety, stress, or mood swings
  • Behavioral Concerns: issues that need a positive approach
  • Body Burnout: poor health and lack of sleep

This event is not only for parents and educators but for anyone who cares about the well-being and success of our future generations. If you're a life-long learner or a student of life, you will also find great value in this workshop.

Resilient Student Workshop - high school kids

Benefits of Attending

This 3-session online workshop will show you how to reduce or eliminate your child’s challenges and open the door to better performance (exams, sports, music, etc.), balanced emotions, and overall life improvement.

  1. Master Self-Help Acupressure: Learn a comprehensive set of self-help acupressure techniques that you can use to enhance your child's focus, reduce stress, and foster emotional well-being. These techniques are easy to learn and can be applied anytime, anywhere.
  2. Empower Your Child: Equip your child with the ability to take control of their well-being. These techniques will not only help them in their studies and extra-curricular activities, but will also provide them with essential life skills to manage stress and emotions effectively.
  3. Immediate and Long-Term Impact: Experience the immediate benefits of acupressure during the workshop, and leave with a toolkit that will continue to support your child's growth and resilience long after the event concludes.
Resilient Student Workshop - tweens

Workshop Details


There will be 3 one-hour workshop sessions over 3 consecutive weeks. Sessions are online so you can do them in the comfort of your own home.

Wednesdays – October 11, October 18, and October 25

From 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Pacific Time)

(mark your calendar for all 3 days)


Location: Zoom video conference

(link sent when you register)


Incredible value for

only $197 for all 3 sessions*

Workshop will include:

  • Recordings of each workshop session (3)
  • Comprehensive handout to use during and after workshop
  • Daily Clean Your House Flow® - animated acupressure video


*registration and payment is for all 3 sessions – not individual dates


Your Workshop Leader

Deborah Myers is a Certified Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner working with people who want to feel healthier, stronger, and enjoy more vitality. Founder and Director of Deborah Myers Wellness, she is passionate about empowering others to live a balanced and healthy life. In her private practice, she assists individual clients in their search for stress reduction, pain relief, and healing. She is the creator of a program designed to support the well-being of children in the classroom and at home: the Daily Clean Your House Flow® animated video and companion guides encourage mindfulness and help to optimize learning, empowering students, educators, and parents to succeed.

Resilient Student Workshop - brother and sister

Future Proof Your Child

Learn powerful acupressure techniques that can improve concentration, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance for children in elementary, middle or high school.

Give your child the skills they need not just to survive but to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Prepare them for academic success and a resilient, well-balanced future.

T.E., 17-year-old high school senior

“I’m so happy that I took Deborah’s workshop before I headed off to college! I learned so much and had a blast! The manual is fantastic. There’s lots of info that is well-organized and easy to access. I sleep better and start the day rested. Studying is easier and I have no anxiety over tests. I just wish I had taken the workshop when I was a lot younger. High school would have been a lot easier.”

Susan, mother of two

"Because of the acupressure routine, I don’t have to badger the kids to do their homework. The kids are getting their work done and they’re doing better in school."

Sue, sixth grade student

"Hi! My name is Sue. I’m a student in the sixth grade. Our teacher taught us all about the daily flow and now we do it every morning. It is soooo cool, and I love being pumped up when I feel tired and slow. I have even got my brothers starting it. They think it is so much fun! It really is cool. Thanks so much! Sincerely, A happy energized student!"

Sue, second-grade teacher

"My students want to do the Daily Flow acupressure moves. They ask for it! I notice increased attention and focus, improved test scores, plus more success with sports and recess activities."

If you have questions or need more information about this online workshop, please email [email protected]
