Accelerate and Navigate Healthy Habits!

a 10-week intensive course for a whole new level of wellness

To create your body’s own GPS system, join me for this 10-week interactive course to investigate the principles of energy balancing with Jin Shin Jyutsu and learn self-help acupressure techniques to enhance self-care and improve your energy levels.

Together, let's navigate energy points to help you physically, emotionally, and mentally tackle your goals. It takes balance in all three areas to accomplish anything, and using self-help acupressure can help you achieve more harmony and vitality.

Let your journey begin!

Who is this for? It's for you!

Are you looking to relieve pain, reduce stress, and feel less tired? Or maybe you want more strength and vitality to achieve some life-long goals. Find out how you can create a greater sense of well-being.

This 10-week intensive course will provide you with self-help acupressure skills that you can use daily, or any time you need a lift. It’s all about energy balancing using just your fingertips.

Discover ways to bring harmony to your body, your mind, and your emotions.

If you've been to previous workshops or classes, you'll build on and reinforce what you've already learned. This is a life skill, not just a one-time exercise.

For healthcare providers, you’ll discover new ways to be with your clients and patients to be more effective with them, and more gentle on yourself. 

Head Pressure Points

Jennifer Cody, Executive Coach

How can this Jin Shin Jyutsu be working? I couldn’t explain it, but I could FEEL it, so I signed up for Deborah’s Wellness Workshop to learn more about this mysterious technique and the magical way it was affecting my well-being. And I haven’t stopped—I have taken part in all of Deborah’s workshops, including her Mastery Program. Now I have the magic recipe for creating balance right at my fingertips. It is a simple and easy way to make an enormous difference in your overall well-being.

Benefits of Attending

This 10-week experience will help you open the door to better performance, balanced emotions, and overall life improvement by learning how to manage your body’s energy.

Discover simple and easy self-help acupressure techniques that you can use anywhere, anytime simply by using your fingertips. Feel how you can:

  • Balance emotions
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Reduce stress and tension
  • Relieve pain
  • Recover from trauma
  • Improve vitality
  • Elevate mental and physical performance

You will come away from this program with a deeper understanding of why Jin Shin Jyutsu and acupressure work:

  1. How energy pathways function in the body
  2. Improve your ability to “listen” to the energy
  3. Unlock your ability to balance the energy flow
  4. Make positive changes in your whole being
two hands cupping a glowing light

Areas of Study

This course will immerse you deeper into the practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu and self-help acupressure. Help yourself become a true partner with your body to experience more vitality and be able to address your individual health projects with positive outcomes. Here is a high-level description of the areas you'll be studying:

Energy Balance Points

There are 26 energy balance points in Jin Shin Jyutsu and each has a specific purpose to help your whole body find and experience balance and harmony. When touched in special order, you’ll learn how each point can be directed to rediscover balance and let your body let go of any energy blockages affecting your meridians and channels. (We’ll learn about those, too.)

The Six Depths

There are Six Depths of energy, and that’s where the energy balance points hang out. Like the layers of an onion, you’ll discover how to peel back the layers to see how each Depth supports the energy balance points and rivers of energy that flow throughout your body. And, because your organs live in these Depths, each with a meridian/channel associated with it, you’ll find out how to connect your organ flows to ensure they easily fulfill their purposes. 

Supporting Systems

We’ll discuss how the Jin Shin Jyutsu approach supports the complicated array of systems that take care of the whole you – immune, lymphatic, adrenal, endocrine, and the nervous systems, for starters. Then, the respiratory, digestive, elimination, reproductive, vascular, and filtration systems can step up to the plate to take care of the organs that want to take care of you.

Reflexology Basics

You’ll be introduced to some reflexology basic principals which complement this whole study of energy blow and body balance.

The Big Eight

You can support your body in many ways, so you’ll also be introduced to The Big Eight - easy, standing exercises that connect with the meridians and channels to encourage further energy balance.

Workshop Details

There will be 10 two-hour classes over 10 consecutive weeks. Sessions are live on Zoom, so you can do them in the comfort of your own home.

Wednesdays – April 17 through June 19

From 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Pacific Time)

(mark your calendar for all 10 days)


Location: Zoom video conference

(link sent when you register)


Incredible value for

only $2497*

Course will include:

  • Weekly 2-hour live classes (10)
  • Recordings of each course session (10)
  • Energy Balancing Care Guide (Level 1)
  • mailed to your home
  • Study of Organ Flow (Level 2)
  • downloadable
  • Daily Clean Your House Flow®
  • animated acupressure video
  • Animal Body Energy Points diagram
  • AND, two 60-minute Q&A sessions with Deborah


*registration and payment are for all 10 sessions

#To ask about payment options, please email Deborah.

Your Workshop Leader


Deborah Myers

Deborah Myers is a Certified Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner working with people who want to feel healthier, stronger, and enjoy more vitality. Founder and Director of Deborah Myers Wellness, she is passionate about empowering others to live a balanced and healthy life. In her private practice, she assists individual clients in their search for stress reduction, pain relief, and healing. She is the creator of a program designed to support the well-being of children in the classroom and at home: the Daily Clean Your House Flow® animated video and companion guides encourage mindfulness and help to optimize learning, empowering students, educators, and parents to succeed.

Dale, a Massage Therapist

"As a health instructor and healer, Deborah’s teaching style is very personal and customized. The techniques of her program are simple, easy to follow, and I can easily use them in any situation—in both personal and career applications. She makes every one of her students feel like they are the only student in her class or workshop. Deborah’s positive energy and spirit are infectious! Without a doubt, Deborah will unlock your potential for better health and well-being as well as add a whole new balance to your life.”

If you have questions or need more information about this workshop, please email [email protected]
