28th Annual Conference on the Adirondacks

May 16th & 17th, 2024, High Peaks Resort, Lake Placid. NY

“Emerging Pressures Caused by Climate Change”

Join us at the Annual Conference as we delve into the pressing issue of climate change in the Adirondacks. Explore how rising temperatures are reshaping ecosystems, endangering native flora and fauna, and threatening local communities and culture. Through expert presentations and interactive dialogue, we'll seek innovative ideas and recommendations for future actions and policies to address this urgent challenge. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the solution!


Keynote: Dr. Curt Stager, Paul Smith’s College

"Who's An Adirondacker, and Why Does It Matter In A Warming World?"

Block rate rooms are available at the High Peaks Resort at $139.00/night while they last! (518) 523-4411