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IT Leadership:

Mastering the Art of Influence Through Authentic Confidence

Ego, arrogance and narcissism commonly describe ineffective leadership. Nobody likes a show-off, but it also doesn’t work to shrink into the shadows. Communicating the appropriate amount of confidence in every situation is an essential leadership skill and Authentic Confidence is the secret. Leaders are either looking to find confidence (91% of new leaders have significant confidence issues) or learning how to coach confidence in others.


Ben Fauske, founder & CEO of RISE Leadership, will be sharing the latest research and strategies in this session. He will also be sharing insights from his book Authentic Confidence: The Secret to Loving Your Work and Leading an Unstoppable Career.


In the Authentic Confidence Session you will:

  • Understand your limiting beliefs and the biology and core beliefs of world-class influencers.
  • Learn the 6 Confidence Profiles and take a self-assessment to determine your profile.
  • Develop strategies for coaching confidence in your organization.


Learn how to find, lead and coach with Authentic Confidence.

April 29, 2024

12 - 1 p.m.

Virtual, Zoom

Once you have RSVP'd to the event, you will receive a confirmation email that includes the virtual Zoom link to the roundtable.

Roundtable Presenter

Ben Fauske

Founder & CEO

RISE Leadership

Ben is a confidence researcher who equips leaders with the tools to build their ideal careers. His clients describe him as passionate and committed to their success. Thousands of leaders have used the Authentic Confidence Process to build the careers and teams they deserve. The process creates a coaching culture in organizations that drives employee engagement and customer confidence.

Prior to founding RISE Leadership and creating the Authentic Confidence Process, Ben was the Director of Organizational Development for a Canadian based multi-national corporation with over 1100 employees, headquartered in Montreal, Quebec. He led the training and leadership development process from the executive level to the shop floor.

Ben specializes in leadership development training, executive coaching, culture development, employee engagement and performance management. Ben has led talent development and culture assessments for individuals and teams.

Organizations looking to implement a leadership development platform to increase employee engagement and drive productivity have found significant results in the customized process. Ben works with local service driven organizations to large global corporations. 

This roundtable is free to attend. Feel free to invite others who would benefit from this discussion, including marketing departments, management, sales teams, etc. This is open to NEW Digital Alliance investors and those interested in learning more about the NEW Digital Alliance